Friday, January 8, 2021

On the mend

After rain

The new swale alteration, before my weird accident involving it, is doing as I'd hoped. It's been much fuller, with heavier rain recently, but my hand wasn't up to taking photos then. About 6 days is how long it took, to use my hand properly again. It's almost like it was, mobility wise - being able to twist my wrist now. However, I still can't put as much pressure on it, when it comes to gripping, pulling, or even typing on the keyboard. Which is why I haven't replied to all those wonderful comments, you all left.

I've read each one and really appreciate them. I'm not able to reply though, with my wrist niggling at me, even now. I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude though, and give an update on recovery. It's looking good!

Our Pond ~
attached to, and further up the swale

The landscape is looking good too, with a bounty of rain our property hasn't seen, for some four years now. It's like our regular monsoon season has returned. But I have to sit back and not plant things, like I want to. Which is a little disheartening, since I've waited this long for a rainy season to get more long-term plants, established. Life is just like that sometimes. Endurance tests our patience. No use fighting it, when you can't even swing your right hook, lol.

Anyway, thanks everyone. I hope you're all well, and so are your gardens.


  1. Chris, so glad to hear you are on the mend. So hard to be patient when there's so much to do!

    The photo of your pond looks so lush and green! Lovely!

    1. Thanks Leigh. It's nice when the rain hangs around through summer. Endless chop and drop material. I'm trying to inch my way into the work again. If I can get one thing done in the garden, a day, I'm happy. 😃

  2. It is certainly greening up after all the rain, Chris. Such a shame you can't get out in the garden at present. I hope you heal up quickly.

    1. I bet your place on the hill, is bursting to life again. Personally, I like not having to worry about watering - even if it means the grass is waist high in some places! I hope the CEO is taking it easy, and you're enjoying the cooler nights. I am.

  3. So lush and green! Amazing..the restorative powers of rain. Glad the hand is improving.

    I have bruised/possible cracked rib/s from a fall a week ago, on a treadmill I was put on for a heart stress test. Never been on one before and it was started way too fast for me. So, no gardening at the moment. But it's going to be 38 today so no problems with staying inside.

    1. Isn't it funny, when you think everything is on life support (for years) it's such an amazing feeling when that permanent rain moves in, over summer again. Because precipitation exceeds evaporation, kicking everything into overdrive. It's nice to have such abundance again.

      Ouch, on the ribs though! It sounds like another freak accident, stemming from the ordinary. I really hope you mend up, as anything to do with the ribs can feel like you can't breathe properly. You can breathe - it just hurts to!. Rest up with me, as I got a bit eager recently and my wrist certainly let me know about it, lol.


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