
I started making sourdough, twelve years ago, and have amassed quite a few posts on baking these lovely loaves, since. I've made this page, to help navigate them easier:

Here's where you start:

The sourdough starter

The starter is comparative to conventional bread yeast, in that it raises bread. Only it's "alive", and you need to nurture it. The above link, shows how to make your own starter, from scratch. Those who have attended my workshop, have acquired a starter from me and will not need to make it again.

Acquiring starter

Sourdough workshop starter

If you've attended a workshop of mine, the above link explains how to treat your starter, once you get it home. Thank you to Michelle, for also helping supply my original starter (Griffin) along with her own (Gertrude) for our group.

First step is making the sponge:

The sourdough sponge

So you have your starter, and you're ready to make a loaf of bread. The first step, is making the "sponge". It uses some of the starter, with additional flour and water.  The above link, shows how to separate your starter, to feed your original supply (subsequently, not running out) and how to make a sponge for a loaf of bread, at the same time.

Second step is making the dough:

The sourdough bread

Now your sponge is ready to turn into a dough, the above link shows how to make a standard white loaf. If you're new to making sourdough, it's best to start with a white loaf. As other flours (Rye and Spelt for example) can behave slightly differently. Master the white loaf, first, then experiment with different flours.

How to read your dough:

All about the dough

How much flour you require to make a loaf, will change on a daily basis. Learning when you have "enough" flour incorporated, or when you need more, is important in turning out good loaves, every time. The above link, has images of the different stages of dough, as you knead it, and what to look for.


Summer sourdough

Different things can influence a failed attempt at making sourdough. The above links, will attempt to shine some light on those errors and provide solutions.

Slowing down the fermentation:

When you want to slow down the baking schedule to suit your schedule, need to freeze some ready made dough, or simply require refrigeration in summer, to control the rapid growth of leavening.

Containers for storage

Used in the process of storing sourdough, when retarding fermentation.


Sourdough donuts
Sourdough scrolls
Sweet-chilli pull-apart
Honey & sunflower loaf
Sourdough fruit buns
Three-seed sourdough loaf

I will add to these recipes, periodically.

If you have any further questions, or comments, feel free to reply to this page, or use the Contact Form, via the menu on the far right sidebar.

Enjoy your sourdough making!

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