Saturday, May 24, 2008

Reflections, May 2008

We've been here for over twelve months now and so it's time to reflect. It may come as a shock to some, but a few home truths have come to light recently.

On five acres - which we've only civilised one acre for living - is a large project to manage alone. It's winter now so the grass and weeds have stopped growing, but it wasn't long ago we were spending every weekend hitting it with the brushcutter. David is still working full time and with his current studies at the moment, is always tired. Consequently, the responsibility for anything to happen here, falls to me.

Not that I mind a great deal, as it's what I've always wanted. But it highlights the fact of what would happen if anything were to happen to me - or David. We really do need two people to maintain this property.

What does this mean for our bushland project? Well, we're not planning to run off the land just yet. But I wouldn't be honest if I didn't express all the things we experience here. At times it's difficult to manage the size of the property when one person is otherwise indisposed.

I guess we're going to have to prioritise better and take hope that David won't be studying forever. It also means we're going to have to make better, more efficient systems, so that one person can manage it better. We're still happy here, albeit, a little exhausted.

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