Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Surprise

Oh gee, wasn't I excited when I did my usual rounds of the garden this afternoon. What did I spy but a special little egg...the one I have been waiting for!!

I know it's small but it's the first egg they've laid for me. It's my much anticipated Araucana egg!! Being their first egg it's bound to be so small, but I can expect bigger ones in future. To give a comparison of colour though, I had to resort to a supermarket whooper of an egg.

Isn't it cute!! I had to stop myself from dancing around the garden. I even have to contain myself before my daughter and husband return from the shops. I'm sure our little girl will be just as excited as I am. I've been telling her for weeks that the Araucana's lay GREEN eggs.

So that's my little Easter surprise...just in time for Good Friday tomorrow too. I've got some more exciting news to share later on. Now I've built up your anticipation you're going to think I'm pregnant or something - but it's not that kind of exciting news. More later.


  1. What a pretty colour :) Happy Easter!

  2. I love Araucana eggs, such a lovely shade.
    Please don't leave us waiting for too long for the exciting news...
    While we are waiting I will have a guess. More chooks? Your getting a goat? or a cow ;-)
    Have a wonderful easter break.

  3. Green is the colour of choice in our lives & to top it off with green eggs is just awesome :o)
    your place is looking great
    cant wait to hear your news :o)

  4. Thank you for all your comments and stopping by. I hope you all had a happy easter too.

    I'd love to get more chooks, and even a goat Emily, but my next post (today) will explain.

    It'll probably be somewhat of a let down - but it's pretty exciting for us. :)


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