Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Knit wit

I have some cause for celebration today, as I've reached a stage in my knitting project I can distinguish what I'm actually making! Can you guess what it is?

Two sleeves (1 folded, 1 flat) with the back in the middle

If you haven't guessed, I'm going to reveal it anyway: it's a shrug! What's a shrug? It's like a cardigan, only shorter and normally comes without buttons. It's meant to be worn in those "in-between" months, when it's too warm to wear winter woolies, but too cool not to wear something extra.

I got the free pattern from here. You may need to join Lionsbrand website to read the knitting instructions.

From the book Glam Knits by Stefanie Japel

You will notice my design is a little different, as I'm going for the full sleeve by adding extra ribbing rows. Not sure how it will look when it's finished, but worth an experiment!

I actually just wanted longer sleeves. Now I'm off to start the collar!

SIDE NOTE: I started this on Good Friday (Easter) and has taken this long to get to this stage. I had to take a few weeks off from knitting however, as I was so enthusiastic I knitted non-stop and got RSI or Repetitive Strain Injury. That's why I'm a Knit wit, or just some witty banter to be had about knitting instead.

Either way, "Knit wit" works, LOL.


  1. that's a very nice sweeter. I believe it'll look just fine with longer sleeves. I have been thinking about knitting a sweater for me as well. It's in a Vogue again that I hope I didn't throw away.

    I gave you an award today so come and get it!

  2. Sorry for taking so long to reply, I've just been a little unwell. I would like to say I've taken this opportunity to catch up on my knitting, but my brain seems to be rejecting anything requiring me to "focus", LOL.

    I will pop around to your blog for a visit and thank you for thinking of me for an award. :)

  3. I completely understand about lack of proper focus. I couldn't knit at all till recently.

  4. That must have been so hard for you Linda, as I know how much you love textiles, yarn and the whole culture around needle work. I know it ties you to your Gran in so many ways too. Giving it up would have been hard, but when your brain checks out, you're left with very little choice hey.

    I'm glad to hear you're back into it now though. :)


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