Sunday, November 26, 2017


'Tis the season, in Australia, when the cicadas start emerging from the ground! I thought I heard a snake in the long grass, but it was newly emerged cicadas, learning to fly for the first time. Like low flying bombers, they'd brush against the grass, trying to figure-out how to get altitude!

Exoskeleton abandoned, and ready to fly

Get ready to hear the trees, roar with their song again, as Christmas (and summer) approaches. Perhaps in the Northern hemisphere, snow signals the festive change of season. Here in the south, however, it's the cicadas song.

Hot or cold, are you ready for the season of festivities ahead?


  1. No I am not ready, Chris. My daughter and family won't be coming down so it will be a quiet Christmas. I am yet to hear the cicadas.

  2. We're not ready either, Chel. Haven't even started planning! Terrible, I know. Christmas tree went up today though and we're making calls to family tonight. Christmas day, is generally when the cicadas are out in true force, everywhere.

  3. We are heading off on holidays at the end of this week and so I've had to get organised early. Happy to head off and leave the Xmas hustle and bustle behind. Meg:)

    1. Enjoy your holidays. It's sensible to get the traveling out of the way, avoiding Christmas traffic. :)

  4. I remember cicadas in Melbourne as a child but don't hear them now. Perhaps another species has gone from this area or maybe there are more cicada predators here than in Melb suburbia.

  5. Replies
    1. Good one. It can be surreal sometimes, hearing that eternal ringing in the ears. :)

  6. As hubby and I were driving along this morning I mentioned the song of the cicadas that we could hear. We both had the same memory, when the cicadas are singing it's going to be a hot day. Yes it was a hot day.

    1. Absolutely. Heat and cicadas, go hand in hand.


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