Saturday, March 30, 2024


Hello there, dwelling place of the crickets. My last post was almost a year ago. What happened? A lot! I could say it was a lack of time and that would be accurate. Likewise, there were changing pieces on the board I couldn't keep up with. How to voice the process of transition? Well I'm about to...only not here.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Coming undone


Rotary clothesline ~ 2023

Who doesn't love a good clothesline for hanging those exceptionally large bed linens on? When you make the bed and tuck yourself in that first evening, they smell like heaven and sunshine. Bliss! My rotary clothesline, has seen better days though... 

Friday, March 31, 2023

The backlog shuffle


Blooming now

You know the proverbial saying, of getting it done before Christmas comes? Well this Christmas cactus tells me, I'm knocking on the door now. These beautiful blooms emerge around the festive season. So I'm coming good with a promise I made, at the beginning of the year. Something about an update on life. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

A Dishcloth pattern

Set of 4

It has been a while. Several posts in the pipeline, itching to be published. I will have to jump into those another time. As time is short presently. However, I wanted to share a pattern I've always been meaning to publish, for the perfect dishcloth. Or at least I think it is. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Spring back


Early September, 2022

In Australia, it's early Spring. If you live near the Toowoomba region, you know it's Carnival of Flowers time. The annual celebration for the Garden City. This year though, Spring represents a whole new way of life for me. It's the place of regrowth, from a rather harsh prune in my personal life, last year. Come have a wander around my garden, and catch up for a spell.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Sourdough donuts

Deep fried and delicious

The first time I tried making sourdough donuts, it tasted more like bread! I thought the only way to make them, had to be using liquid starter into a batter. Fortunately, I learned not only was it possible to make sourdough donuts, without tasting like bread - but they actually tasted better than regular donuts!

Containers for storage

Thawing in the fridge

When it comes to retarding fermentation with sourdough making, it's all in knowing which containers to use in the process. As these are what will protect your dough from drying out, from the effects of chilling or freezing. Here are some suggestions for containers, I have found the most useful.