Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Simply July

 A bouquet

July comes after the hump of mid year. That means the shortest days of winter are behind us in Australia. So there's much to look forward to, in the coming Spring. July is when I usually receive flowers from my husband, because it's my birthday. Forty-five, this year. The mid year, of my mid life. It sounds so formal, when put like that. For me, it's really an opportunity to reflect on the fact, I've HAD this long.

See, I almost drowned when I was younger - somewhere between seven and nine.

If it wasn't for an overweight man in his thirties, who braved the current, in the creek I was being swept away on, well, I may not be here right now. A stranger who didn't know me, showed up, at the right time to make a difference in my life. If he hesitated, and ignored the pleas of my mother, like the younger, fitter men, on the sidelines - it may have been too late. He responded though, so I get to live. A real-life hero. An ordinary man.

Decorates the dining table

The day after my birthday this year, however, was a sad one. As a family friend died. They were nearly a hundred-years old. You would think it not very surprising at that age, but they were always so agile. I loved it when they would come visit, or we would go visit them. Old-fashioned conversations, always looking for the best in a situation. Even when the topic involved harsh realities. 

They had experienced many harsh realities in their life too. Surviving a war, a wife, and a son's death in his 50's. His daughter was placed in institutional care, when his wife got sick, as she had severe special needs and required, around the clock care. Yet despite all these harsh realities, our family friend, always made time for others. Always striving to make a difference.

Another ordinary man. But using every day, as an opportunity to listen or lend a hand, to someone else. Age simply wouldn't deter them. It's sad they're gone. I will miss them. But like me, they're lucky to have had that long to live. And they spent it well. 

A delicious treat

My birthday was very ordinary too. A bunch of flowers, kisses and hugs from my loved ones, cheesecake and ice-cream. Vanilla, of course. My favourite. I also spent a lot of time, helping others. I won't say how, as that's not the point. It's remembering that ordinary people, can do extraordinary things. Showing up at the right time, to make a difference. Even if it's just for the little things.   

So many people are helping out there: volunteers, parents, grandparents, Christians, non-Christians, friends, strangers even! Ordinary people, doing extraordinary things. With all the bad news to be had out there, I wanted to pay homage to making a difference. Lest we forget, what makes the difference.

Every day, unsung, heroes, doing extraordinary things. You might be one of them. If so, thank you. Because every contribution makes a difference.


  1. Chris, such a sweet post, such a good reminder that the little things make big differences. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome Leigh. I often need the reminder, myself. Everything counts for something. :)

  2. Wishing you the very best in the next year of your life.
    Much grace,

    1. Thank you Patricia. I'm looking forward to it. :)

  3. I love this post, it is the true meaning of life, be gental, be thoughtful, think of others. I love the ordinary man, the world is full of them and ladies, simple is always the best. Once we stop chasing the image of a perfect life, a commercial life, we find our perfection. I am glad to read you had a good birthday, and at 45 you are still a youngster.

    1. Good words to share, Marlene. A simple way to live by, and make a difference. I was over 50 years younger than our family friend. An eye-opener, to why there's always someone older and wiser than me. Which I'm grateful for. As it gives me someone to admire, who paid their dues in real-time. Plus more!

  4. Happy belated birthday to you, Chris. I guess your hubby made the cheesecake :-) I am glad that man rescued you from drowning all those years ago as the world would be a poorer place without you and yes, at 45 you are very young from my point of view. LOL!

    1. Thanks so much, Chel. I'm extremely grateful he stepped up too. I remember feeling so small and helpless, and then came this supersized lifeboat, wading out to grab me. The current kept sucking my mother under, which is why she couldn't reach me. I was holding onto a tree root on the other side of the creek, trying not to be pulled downstream. One guy changed all that, and I'm forever grateful.

      Unfortunately, it's a Gluten Free cheesecake from Woolworths. As we didn't have the time for baking. So much was happening in July. But David did hunt it down, after going to work, then spending two hours at his evening class. So I still feel special, after all his effort. :)

  5. Happy Birthday Chris, the flowers are lovely and hope you enjoyed your day.

    It is often little acts of kindness that can make a difference. One year I wasn't living close to family and the only thing I got on my actual Birthday was a hug from another mum at playgroup...being thoughtful always counts.

    1. Thanks Margaret, and it was a lovely day. Playgroup mum's seem to know what it's like, don't they? I'm glad she wasn't shy about giving hugs. Kind acts can go a very long way. A wonderful testimony. Thanks for sharing.

  6. A lovely post! Cheered me up no end. Happy belated birthday and a big thank you to that overweight man whoever he was.

    1. I'm glad it helped in your day, Bev. It certainly helped in mine. And reading everyone's lovely comments afterwards, is the cherry on top. :)


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